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The application has five main components:

File Storage

A file system used to store raw, cleaned, and test datasets as well as Mapbox tileset metadata. It uses the following directory structure:

├── clean/
│   ├── geojsonl/
│   ├── geoparquet/
│   └── mapbox/
├── raw/
│   ├── bonus/
│   │   ├── distressed/
│   │   ├── energy/
│   │   ├── justice40/
│   │   └── low_income/
│   ├── census/
│   │   ├── block_groups/
│   │   ├── blocks/
│   │   ├── counties/
│   │   ├── county_subdivisions/
│   │   ├── government_units/
│   │   ├── places/
│   │   ├── states/
│   │   ├── tracts/
│   │   └── zip_codes/
│   └── retail/
└── test/

Detailed descriptions of each directory's contents can be found in the Datasets section.


Two PostgreSQL database instances—a temporary, "large" database for caching geospatial data during pipeline processing and a "small", less expensive database to serve the final website. PostgreSQL was chosen as the database engine because it is free and open source with a large and active community of contributors. In addition, it is easy to run both locally as a Docker container and as a service on a cloud platform. The application installs PostgreSQL's PostGIS extension to store multipolygon geometries and run spatial queries and its trigram extension to calculate the relevance of search results.

Two tables are defined in the larger database, populated with data, and then replicated to the smaller database after all geometries have been simplified to their final form. The table schemas are as follows:


A table storing geographies available for user search and/or reporting. A unique constraint exists on the combination of the name, fips, and geography type fields.

Name Type Description Ever Blank or Null? Example
id bigint The primary key. NO 1760
name character varying The geography name. NO "LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO"
fips character varying The FIPS code assigned to the geography, if applicable. YES, BLANK 39093
fips_pattern character varying Explains how to interpret the FIPS code. YES, BLANK "STATE(2) + COUNTY(3)"
geography_type character varying The type of geography, from a limited set of choices. NO "county"
population integer The estimated population for the geography. YES, NULL 312964
population_strategy character varying The method used to derive the population estimate. YES, BLANK "FIPS Code Match"
as_of date The date on which the geography's data source became current. NO 2020-01-01
published_on date The publication date of the geography's data source. YES, NULL 2021-02-02
source text A citation for the geography's data source. NO "2020 TIGER/Line Shapefiles, U.S. Census Bureau"
programs jsonb A generated field consisting of the tax credit programs the geography qualifies for based on type. Only relevant for bonus geographies. NO []
geometry geometry The geography boundary as a hex string. In the large database, the geometry's exterior. In the smaller database, its bounding box. NO 01060000206....
name_vector tsvector A sorted list of lexemes parsed from the name field. Used to optimize text search. NO 'counti':2 'lorain':1 'ohio':3


An association table relating "target" geographies—again, states, counties, municipalities, municipal utilities, and rural cooperatives—with the bonus territories—i.e., distressed, low-income, energy, and Justice40 communities—that spatially intersect with them. Additional metadata includes an estimate of the number of people living in the intersection.

Name Field Description Ever Blank or Null? Example
id integer The primary key. NO 4013
target_id bigint Foreign key reference to a "target" geography. NO 1760
bonus_id bigint Foreign key reference to a "bonus" geography (e.g., distressed, low-income, Justice 40, energy communities, etc.). NO 5727
population integer The number of people estimated to live in the intersection between the target and bonus geographies. NO 61390
population_strategy character varying The method used to derive the population estimate. NO "Population-Weighted Block Group Centroid Spatial Join"


A Django application that consists of several standard and custom Django management commands. When triggered, a bash script in the pipeline—

  1. Connects to the PostgreSQL Database. The pipeline attempts to connect to the database. If it fails, it retries on an interval until a maximum number of seconds has elapsed—at which point it throws an error.

  2. Creates New Migrations. The pipeline runs makemigrations to detect any changes in the Django ORM models. If a model class has changed, a new migration file is written under the pipeline/tax_credit/migrations folder to later move to the updated schema.

  3. Migrates Schemas. The pipeline runs migrate to apply any newly-detected migration file(s) to the database. The first time the application runs, this operation creates the tax_credit_geography and tax_credit_bonus_target_overlap tables as well as a custom tsvector index on the column, and installs of the trigram extension.

  4. Loads and Cleans Input Data Files. After the tables and indices have been created, the pipeline runs clean_data. This custom command reads raw input files from the configured data store, cleans and standardizes the data to conform to the tax_credit_geography table schema described above, and then writes the resulting output geographies to the data store as geoparquet and geojsonl files.

  5. Loads Geographies. The pipeline then runs load_geos. This custom command reads each cleaned geoparquet file from the data store one by one and bulk inserts its records into the tax_credit_geography database table, ignoring unique constraint violations when they occur.

  6. Load Associations. Once the geographies are loaded, the pipeline runs load_associations. This custom command computes spatial intersections between all combinations of target and bonus geography types and estimates the number of persons living in those intersections. The population estimation is achieved by matching geographies on a common state or county FIPS code when possible, or by summing the populations of census block group population-weighted centroids that fall into the intersections. Finally, the association records are mapped to the schema for the tax_credit_target_bonus_overlap table outlined above and bulk inserted into the database.

  7. Sync Tilesets. Finally, the pipeline runs sync_tilesets, which syncs the remote Mapbox tilesets with the tilesets defined by the cleaned geojsonl files and configuration settings. Steps include deleting all pre-existing tileset sources for the given Mapbox account, uploading the geojsonl files as new sources, publishing the sources as new tilesets, and awaiting the completion of the publishing job.

Web App

A JavaScript-based, Next.js web application that reads directly from the database to (a) conduct user geography searches and (b) return reports of available tax credit programs, intersecting bonus communities, and population counts for those geographies. Prisma is used as an ORM and Tailwind as a CSS framework. Once a geography is selected, the web app requests those geographies' tiles from an external tileset server and displays those tiles on a React Map GL component with styling.

Tileset Server

Requesting hundreds of large and complex geometries at once from the database and serializing the result as GeoJSON to be displayed on a map quickly proved to be infeasible. The network transfer time was slow enough to harm the user experience and large states like California required too much memory for the browser. To mitigate these issues, the application renders geographies using tilesets. Mapbox was selected as the server based on its community support, generous free tier, and integration with popular React component libraries like react-map-gl.