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Bonus Geographies


Distressed Community Index Scores

DCI-2016-2020-Academic-Non-profit-Government-Scores-Only.xlsx. An Excel file of distressed community index (DCI) scores using 2016-2020 American Community Survey data and the Census Bureau’s Business Patterns datasets for 2016 and 2020.


Geographic Coverage 50 U.S. States and District of Columbia
Coordinate Reference System N/A
Publisher Economic Innovation Group (EIG)
Availability May be purchased and downloaded as scores only for $100 USD.


Field Data Type Non-Null Count Description Example
Zipcode integer 26,059 The ZCTA code. Leading zeroes (e.g., Connecticut, Massachusetts) are not displayed, so length ranges from four to five digits. 1001
Metro area string 15,894 The primary metropolitan area of the ZCTA. "Springfield, MA"
County string 26,059 The primary county of the ZCTA. "Hampden County, Massachusetts"
State string 26,059 The primary state of the ZCTA. "Massachusetts"
Census Region string 26,059 The official census region: "Midwest", "Northeast", "South", or "West". "Northeast"
County Type string 26,059 The urbanization level of the county: "Exurban", "Large urban", "Metro rural", "Nonmetro rural", "Small urban", or "Suburban". "Small urban"
Total Population integer 26,059 The estimated population in the ZCTA. 16064
Distress Score float 26,059 The normalized distress score. Ranges from 0 to 100. 35.016693
Quintile (5=Distressed) integer 26,059 The distress score percentile for the ZCTA. "Distressed" ZCTAs have a score in the upper quintile (i.e., the top 20 percent). 2


Coal Closure Census Tracts A Shapefile of 2020 census tracts and directly adjoining tracts that have had coal mine closures since 1999 or coal-fired electric generating unit retirements since 2009. For more information, please see the FAQs here.


Geographic Coverage 45 U.S. States and District of Columbia
Coordinate Reference System EPSG:4269
Publisher National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), U.S. Department of Energy
Availability Available for download from the Energy Data eXchange.


Field Data Type Non-Null Count Description Example
AFFGEOID_T string 4,191 The U.S. Census Bureau's unique identifier (GEOID) for the census tract. "1400000US01003010100"
fipstate_2 string 4,191 The two-digit FIPS code for the larger state. "01"
fipscounty_ string 4,191 The three-digit FIPS code for the larger county. "003"
geoid_coun string 4,191 The five-digit GEOID for the larger county. A combination of the FIPS codes for the state and county. "01003"
fiptract_2 string 4,191 The six-digit FIPS code for the census tract. "010100"
geoid_trac string 4,191 The 11-digit GEOID for the census tract. A combination of the FIPS codes for the state, county, and tract. "01003010100"
Mine_Qual string 4,191 A binary variable indicating whether the census tract qualifies as an energy community on the basis of having a coal mine close after 1999. "0"
Generator_ string 4,191 A binary variable indicating whether the census tract qualifies as an energy community on the basis of retiring a coal-fired electric generating unit after 2009. "0"
Neighbor_Q string 4,191 A binary variable indicating whether the census tract qualifies as an energy community on the basis of directly bordering another tract that had a coal mine closure after 1999 or coal-fired electric generating unit retirement after 2009. "1"
Mine_Qual string 4,191 A binary variable indicating whether the census tract qualifies as an energy community on the basis of having a coal mine close after 1999. "0"
State_Name string 4,191 The name of the larger state. "Alabama"
County_Nam string 4,191 The name of the larger county. "Baldwin County"
CensusTrac string 4,191 The name of the census tract. "Census Tract 101"
Mine_Closu string 4,191 A reader-friendly version of the binary field Mine_Qual. Either "Yes" or "No". "No"
Generator1 string 4,191 A reader-friendly version of the binary field Generator1. Either "Yes" or "No". "No"
Adjacent_t string 4,191 A reader-friendly version of the binary field Neighbor_Q. Either "Yes" or "No". "Yes"
Tract_Stat string 4,191 A reader-friendly explanation of why the tract is an energy community. Choices include: "is an energy community because it directly adjoins a census tract with a qualifying coal closure", "is an energy community due to a coal mine closure", "is an energy community due to a coal-fired electric generating unit retirement", and "is an energy community due to a coal-fired electric generating unit retirement and coal mine closure". "is an energy community due to a coal-fired electric generating unit retirement and coal mine closure"
date_last_ string 4,191 The date the data was last updated. "2023-05-23"
dataset_ve float 4,191 The current version of the dataset. 2023.2
record_add string 4,191 The date the record was add to the dataset. "2023-03-28"
Symbol string 4,191 Either "Census tract directly adjoining a census tract with a coal closure" or "Census tract with a coal closure". "Census tract directly adjoining a census tract with a coal closure"
Shape_Leng float 4,191 The length of the perimeter of the census tract in meters after removing coastal waters. 1.700086
Shape_Area string 4,191 The area of the census tract in square meters after removing coastal waters. 0.09541

Fossil Fuel Unemployment MSAs and Non-MSAs A Shapefile of metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and non-metropolitan statistical areas (non-MSAs) that meet up to two criteria: (1) having least one year since 2009, 0.17% or greater direct employment related to extraction, processing, transport, or storage of coal, oil, or natural gas (the fossil fuel employment (FFE) threshold) and (2) having an unemployment rate for 2022 that is equal to or greater than the national average unemployment rate for 2022. These MSAs and non-MSAs that meet both criteria are energy communities as of January 1, 2023, and will maintain that status until the unemployment rates for 2023 become available and a new list of energy communities is provided. For more information, please see the FAQs here..


Geographic Coverage 37 U.S. States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Coordinate Reference System EPSG:4269
Publisher National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), U.S. Department of Energy
Availability Available for download from the Energy Data eXchange.


Field Data Type Non-Null Count Description Example
ObjectID integer 1,505 The primary key assigned to the record. 1
AFFGEOID_C string 1,505 The U.S. Census Bureau's unique identifier (GEOID) for the county. "0500000US01007"
fipstate_2 string 1,505 The two-digit FIPS code for the larger state. "01"
fipscty_20 string 1,505 The three-digit FIPS code for the larger county. "007"
geoid_cty_ string 1,505 The five-digit GEOID for the larger county. A combination of the FIPS codes for the state and county. "01007"
county_nam string 1,505 The name of the larger county. "Bibb County"
state_name string 1,505 The name of the larger state. "Alabama"
MSA_area_I float 1,505 The area id for each Metropolitan/Non-Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA/Non-MSA). 13820.0
MSA_area_n float 1,505 The name for each Metropolitan/Non-Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA/Non-MSA). "Birmingham-Hoover, AL"
ffe_ind_qu float 1,505 A binary variable indicating whether the county is in an MSA or non-MSA that meets the 0.17 percent threshold for fossil fuel employment. 1.0
ec_ind_qua float 1,505 A binary variable indicating whether the county is in an MSA or non-MSA that meets both the 0.17 percent threshold for fossil fuel employment and the unemployment rate requirement. 1.0
msa_qual float 1,505 Indicates whether the county is in an MSA ("MSA") or a Non-MSA ("Non_MSA"). "MSA"
FEE_qual_s string 1,505 A reader-friendly version of the binary field ffe_ind_qu. Either "Yes" or "No". "Yes"
EC_qual_st string 1,505 A reader-friendly version of the binary field ec_ind_qua. Either "Yes" or "No". "No"
Label_FEE string 1,505 A reader-friendly interpretation of the FEE_qual_s field. Choices include: "only meets the FFE threshold (not an energy community)" or None. "only meets the FFE threshold (not an energy community)"
Label_FEE string 1,505 A reader-friendly interpretation of the EC_qual_st field. Choices include: "is an energy community, as it meets both the Fossil Fuel Employment (FFE) threshold and the unemployment rate requirement" or "is not an energy community, as it does not meet both the Fossil Fuel Employment (FFE) threshold and the unemployment rate requirement". "is not an energy community, as it does not meet both the Fossil Fuel Employment (FFE) threshold and the unemployment rate requirement"
MSA_NMSA_L string 1,505 The name of the MSA or non-MSA that includes its legal statistical description. "Birmingham-Hoover, AL metropolitan statistical area (MSA)"
date_last_ string 1,505 The date the data was last updated. "2023-05-30"
dataset_ve float 1,505 The current version of the dataset. 2023.2
date_recor string 1,505 The date the record was add to the dataset. "2023-04-03"
Shape_Leng float 1,505 The length of the perimeter of the county. 1.88752
Shape_Area string 1,505 The area of the county. 0.156472


Justice40 Census Tracts A zipped shapefile containing all U.S. census tracts for 2010 (74,134 records), of which 27,248 are classified as a Justice40 community.


Geographic Coverage 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and the six territories of American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marina Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Coordinate Reference System EPSG:4326
Publisher Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President
Availability Downloaded from the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool.


Field Data Type Non-Null Count Description Example
GEOID10 string 74,134 The Census Bureau's unique identifier (GEOID) for the 2010 census tract "1073001100"
SF string 74,134 State/Territory "Alabama"
CF string 74,002 County Name "Jefferson County"
DF_PFS float 70,313 Diagnosed diabetes among adults aged greater than or equal to 18 years (percentile) 0.96
AF_PFS float 70,313 Current asthma among adults aged greater than or equal to 18 years (percentile) 0.85
HDF_PFS float 70,313 Coronary heart disease among adults aged greater than or equal to 18 years (percentile) 0.72
DSF_PFS float 73,395 Diesel particulate matter exposure (percentile) 0.84
EBF_PFS float 73,080 Energy burden (percentile) 0.86
EALR_PFS float 49,978 Expected agricultural loss rate (Natural Hazards Risk Index) (percentile) 0.21
EBLR_PFS float 72,687 Expected building loss rate (Natural Hazards Risk Index) (percentile) 0.78
EPLR_PFS float 72,322 Expected population loss rate (Natural Hazards Risk Index) (percentile) 0.61
HBF_PFS float 72,976 Housing burden (percent) (percentile) 0.64
LLEF_PFS float 67,148 Low life expectancy (percentile) 0.97
LIF_PFS float 72,202 Linguistic isolation (percent) (percentile) 0.12
LMI_PFS float 69,113 Low median household income as a percent of area median income (percentile) 0.82
PM25F_PFS float 72,259 PM2.5 in the air (percentile) 0.82
HSEF float 73,255 Percent individuals age 25 or over with less than high school degree 0.08
P100_PFS float 73,124 Percent of individuals < 100% Federal Poverty Line (percentile) 0.62
P200_I_PFS float 73,273 Percent of individuals below 200% Federal Poverty Line, imputed and adjusted (percentile) 0.6
AJDLI_ET integer 74,134 Meets the less stringent low income criterion for the adjacency index? 1
LPF_PFS float 73,976 Percent pre-1960s housing (lead paint indicator) (percentile) 0.39
KP_PFS float 72,976 Share of homes with no kitchen or indoor plumbing (percent) (percentile) 0.21
NPL_PFS float 73,976 Proximity to NPL sites (percentile) 0.75
RMP_PFS float 73,976 Proximity to Risk Management Plan (RMP) facilities (percentile) 0.9
TSDF_PFS float 73,976 Proximity to hazardous waste sites (percentile) 0.48
TPF float 74,094 Total population 4781
TF_PFS float 71,300 Traffic proximity and volume (percentile) 0.39
UF_PFS float 73,161 Unemployment (percent) (percentile) 0.02
WF_PFS float 54,004 Wastewater discharge (percentile) 0.96
UST_PFS float 73,976 Leaky underground storage tanks (percentile) 0.52
N_WTR integer 74,134 Water Factor (Definition N) 0
N_WKFC integer 74,134 Workforce Factor (Definition N) 0
N_CLT integer 74,134 Climate Factor (Definition N) 0
N_ENY integer 74,134 Energy Factor (Definition N) 0
N_TRN integer 74,134 Transportation Factor (Definition N) 0
N_HSG integer 74,134 Housing Factor (Definition N) 0
N_PLN integer 74,134 Pollution Factor (Definition N) 0
N_HLTH integer 74,134 Health Factor (Definition N) 0
SN_C integer 74,134 Definition N community, including adjacency index tracts 0
SN_T string 2,206 Identified as disadvantaged due to tribal overlap None
DLI integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for diabetes and is low income? 0
ALI integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for asthma and is low income? 0
PLHSE integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for households at or below 100% federal poverty level and has low HS attainment? 0
LMILHSE integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for low median household income as a percent of area median income and has low HS attainment? 0
ULHSE integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for unemployment and has low HS attainment? 0
EPL_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for expected population loss 0
EAL_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for expected agricultural loss 0
EBL_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for expected building loss 0
EB_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for energy burden 0
PM25_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for pm2.5 exposure 0
DS_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for diesel particulate matter 0
TP_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for traffic proximity 0
LPP_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for lead paint and the median house value is less than 90th percentile 0
HRS_ET string 12,888 Tract-level redlining score meets or exceeds 3.25 1
KP_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for share of homes without indoor plumbing or a kitchen 0
HB_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for housing burden 0
RMP_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for RMP proximity 1
NPL_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for NPL (superfund sites) proximity 0
TSDF_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for proximity to hazardous waste sites 0
WD_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for wastewater discharge 1
UST_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for leaky underwater storage tanks 0
DB_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for diabetes 1
A_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for asthma 0
HD_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for heart disease 0
LLE_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for low life expectancy 1
UN_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for unemployment 0
LISO_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for households in linguistic isolation 0
POV_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for households at or below 100% federal poverty level 0
LMI_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for low median household income as a percent of area median income 0
IA_LMI_ET integer 74,134 Low median household income as a percent of territory median income in 2009 exceeds 90th percentile 0
IA_UN_ET integer 74,134 Unemployment (percent) in 2009 exceeds 90th percentile 0
IA_POV_ET integer 74,134 Percentage households below 100% of federal poverty line in 2009 exceeds 90th percentile 0
TC integer 74,134 Total threshold criteria exceeded 0
CC float 74,134 Total categories exceeded 0
IAULHSE integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for unemployment and has low HS education in 2009 (island areas)? 0
IAPLHSE integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for households at or below 100% federal poverty level and has low HS education in 2009 (island areas)? 0
IALMILHSE integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for low median household income as a percent of area median income and has low HS education in 2009 (island areas)? 0
IALMIL_76 float 118 Low median household income as a percent of territory median income in 2009 (percentile) nan
IAPLHS_77 float 114 Percentage households below 100% of federal poverty line in 2009 for island areas (percentile) nan
IAULHS_78 float 112 Unemployment (percent) in 2009 for island areas (percentile) nan
LHE integer 74,134 Low high school education 0
IALHE integer 74,134 Low high school education in 2009 (island areas) 0
IAHSEF float 117 Percent individuals age 25 or over with less than high school degree in 2009 nan
N_CLT_EOMI integer 74,134 At least one climate threshold exceeded 0
N_ENY_EOMI integer 74,134 At least one energy threshold exceeded 0
N_TRN_EOMI integer 74,134 At least one traffic threshold exceeded 0
N_HSG_EOMI integer 74,134 At least one housing threshold exceeded 0
N_PLN_EOMI integer 74,134 At least one pollution threshold exceeded 1
N_WTR_EOMI integer 74,134 At least one water threshold exceeded 0
N_HLTH_88 integer 74,134 At least one health threshold exceeded 1
N_WKFC_89 integer 74,134 At least one workforce threshold exceeded 0
FPL200S integer 74,134 Is low income (imputed and adjusted)? 0
N_WKFC_91 integer 74,134 Both workforce socioeconomic indicators exceeded 0
TD_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for DOT travel barriers 0
TD_PFS float 72,333 DOT Travel Barriers Score (percentile) 0.45
FLD_PFS float 73,338 Share of properties at risk of flood in 30 years (percentile) 0.49
WFR_PFS float 71,985 Share of properties at risk of fire in 30 years (percentile) 0.84
FLD_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for share of properties at risk of flood in 30 years 0
WFR_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for share of properties at risk of fire in 30 years 0
ADJ_ET integer 74,134 Is the tract surrounded by disadvantaged communities? 0
IS_PFS float 72,539 Share of the tract's land area that is covered by impervious surface or cropland as a percent (percentile) 0.26
IS_ET integer 74,134 Greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for share of the tract's land area that is covered by impervious surface or cropland as a percent 0
AML_ET integer 74,134 Is there at least one abandoned mine in this census tract, where missing data is treated as False? 0
FUDS_RAW string 5,280 Is there at least one Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) in the tract? None
FUDS_ET integer 74,134 Is there at least one Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) in the tract, where missing data is treated as False? 0
IMP_FLG string 73,976 Income data has been estimated based on neighbor income 0
DM_B float 73,389 Percent Black or African American 0.96
DM_AI float 73,302 Percent American Indian / Alaska Native 0.01
DM_A float 73,391 Percent Asian 0
DM_HI float 73,372 Percent Native Hawaiian or Pacific 0
DM_T float 73,302 Percent two or more races 0
DM_W float 73,390 Percent White 0.01
DM_H float 73,387 Percent Hispanic or Latino 0
DM_O float 73,382 Percent other races 0
AGE_10 float 73,273 Percent age under 10 0.13
AGE_MIDDLE float 73,273 Percent age 10 to 64 0.66
AGE_OLD float 73,273 Percent age over 64 0.2
TA_COU_116 float 52 Number of Tribal areas within Census tract for Alaska nan
TA_COUNT_C string 0 Number of Tribal areas within Census tract None
TA_PERC float 2,156 Percent of the Census tract that is within Tribal areas nan
TA_PERC_FE float 2,156 Percent of the Census tract that is within Tribal areas, for display nan
UI_EXP string 74,134 UI_EXP Nation
THRHLD integer 74,134 THRHLD 21

Low Income

Low-Income Census Tracts

NMTC_2016-2020_ACS_LIC_Sept1_2023.xlsb. An Excel file of 2020 census tracts across the 50 U.S. states that includes an indicator for low-income. Published by the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Program of the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Community Development Institutions Fund (CDIF). The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which administers the Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program under IRS tax code section 48(e), determines low-income eligibility using NMTC thresholds for low income. For more information, please consult the DOE's interactive mapping tool here.


Coordinate Reference System N/A
Publisher New Markets Tax Credit Program, Community Development Institutions Fund, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Availability May be downloaded directly from the fund's website here.


Sheet: 2016-2020

Field Data Type Non-Null Count Description Example
2020 Census Tract Number FIPS code. GEOID integer 85395 The Census Tract number is comprised of 11 digits, including a leading zero for states 01 through 09. The first two digits represent the state code. The next three digits represent the county code. And the remaining six digits represent the Census Tract code. 1001020100
OMB Metro/Non-metro Designation, March 2020 (OMB Bulletin No. 20-01) string 85395 A boolean variable indicating whether the census tract is a metropolitan area ("Metro") or non-metropolitan area ("Non-metro"). "Metro"
Does Census Tract Qualify For NMTC Low-Income Community (LIC) on Poverty or Income Criteria? string 85395 A boolean variable indicating whether the census tract qualifies as low-income under poverty or income criteria. Either "YES" or "NO". "NO"
Census Tract Poverty Rate % (2016-2020 ACS) float 83812 The current poverty rate, as listed in the 2016-2020 American Community Survey (ACS). 13.7
Does Census Tract Qualify on Poverty Criteria>=20%? string 85395 A boolean variable indiating whether the census tract qualifies as low-income on the basis of poverty criteria. "NO"
Census Tract Percent of Benchmarked Median Family Income (%) 2016-2020 ACS float 83037 Median Family Income % is computed as follows: in the case of a tract not located within a metropolitan area, the median family income for such tract does not exceed 80 percent of statewide median family income, or (ii) in the case of a tract located within a metropolitan area, the median family income for such tract does not exceed 80 percent of the greater of statewide median family income or the metropolitan area median family income. 1.0379358437935844
Does Census Tract Qualify on Median Family Income Criteria<=80%? string 85395 A boolean variable indicating whether the census tract qualifies as low-income on the basis of median family income criteria. "NO"
Census Tract Unemployment Rate (%) 2016-2020 float 85395 The employment rate for the census tract as listed in the 2016-2020 American Community Survey. 2.1
County Code integer 85395 The first five digits of the census tract number. 01001
State Name string 85395 The name of the larger state. " Alabama"
County Name string 85395 The name of the larger county. " Autauga Caounty"
Census Tract Unemployment to National Unemployment Ratio float 85395 The ratio between the census tract unemployment rate and the national unemployment rate, which is 5.4 percent. 0.3888888955116272
Is Tract Unemployment to National Unemployment Ratio >1.5? string 85395 A boolean variable indicating whether the tract's unemployment rate is at least 1.5 times the national unemployment rate. Either "YES" or "NO". "NO"
Population for whom poverty status is determined 2016-2020 ACS integer 85395 The subset of the total population for whom poverty status was calculated. Excludes institutionalized persons, persons living on military bases, persons in college dormitories, and unrelated individuals under 15 years old. 1941

Sheet: High migration tracts

Field Data Type Non-Null Count Description Example
2020 Census Tract Number FIPS code. GEOID string 62 The Census Tract number is comprised of 11 digits, including a leading zero for states 01 through 09. The first two digits represent the state code. The next three digits represent the county code. And the remaining six digits represent the Census Tract code. "01035960400"
High migration nonmetro county 20 year population loss, 2020-2010 string 62 The percentage of population decline in the larger county from 2010 to 2020. "-12.3%"
Census Tract Percent of Benchmarked Median Family Income (%) 2016-2020 ACS string 62 The median family income in the census tract as a percentage of the median family income in the applicable geographic area. "82%"

NMTC_LIC_Territory_2020_December_2023.xlsx. An Excel file of 2020 census tracts across the six major island territories (i.e., American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) that includes a low-income indicator. Completed and published separately by NMTC after the above file, NMTC_2016-2020_ACS_LIC_Sept1_2023.xlsb, had already been released.


Coordinate Reference System N/A
Publisher New Markets Tax Credit Program, Community Development Institutions Fund, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Availability May be downloaded directly from the fund's website here.


Sheet: NMTC LIC 2020

Field Data Type Non-Null Count Description Example
2020 Census Tract Number FIPS code. GEOID integer 133 The Census Tract number is comprised of 11 digits, including a leading zero for states 01 through 09. The first two digits represent the state code. The next three digits represent the county code. And the remaining six digits represent the Census Tract code. 66010950502
OMB Metro/Non-metro Designation, March 2020 (OMB Bulletin No. 20-01) string 133 A boolean variable indicating whether the census tract is a metropolitan area ("Metro") or non-metropolitan area ("Non-metro"). "Non-Metro"
Does Census Tract Qualify For NMTC Low-Income Community (LIC) on Poverty or Income Criteria? string 133 A boolean variable indicating whether the census tract qualifies as low-income under poverty or income criteria. Either "YES" or "NO". "YES"
Census Tract Poverty Rate % (2020 Island Areas) string 111 The current poverty rate, as listed in the 2020 Island Areas Survey. "56.4%"
Does Census Tract Qualify on Poverty Criteria>=20%? string 133 A boolean variable indiating whether the census tract qualifies as low-income on the basis of poverty criteria. "YES"
Census Tract Percent of Benchmarked Median Family Income (%) 2020 Island Areas string 110 Median Family Income % is computed as follows: in the case of a tract not located within a metropolitan area, the median family income for such tract does not exceed 80 percent of statewide median family income, or (ii) in the case of a tract located within a metropolitan area, the median family income for such tract does not exceed 80 percent of the greater of statewide median family income or the metropolitan area median family income. "83.8%"
Does Census Tract Qualify on Median Family Income Criteria<=80%? string 133 A boolean variable indicating whether the census tract qualifies as low-income on the basis of median family income criteria. "NO"
Census Tract Unemployment Rate (%) 2016-2020 float 111 The employment rate for the census tract as listed in the 2020 Island Areas Survey. "15%"
County Code integer 133 The first five digits of the census tract number. 60010
State Name string 133 The name of the larger state. "American Samoa"
County Name string 133 The name of the larger county. "Eastern District"
Census Tract Unemployment to National Unemployment Ratio float 111 The unemployment rate ratio is the ratio between the census tract unemployment rate and the national unemployment rate, which is 5.4 percent. 10.44
Is Tract Unemployment to National Unemployment Ratio >1.5? string 111 A boolean variable indicating whether the tract's unemployment rate is at least 1.5 times the national unemployment rate. Either "YES" or "NO". "YES"
Population integer 133 The census tract population. 2545